Category: Conferences attended
Hits: 2051

A talk has been presented: Exchange-Based Diffusion in Hb-Graphs: Highlighting Complex Relationships

The slides can be found here:

Slides Talk CBMI 2018

The accepted article can be found here:

arXiv:1809.00190 [pdfpsothercs.DS

Exchange-Based Diffusion in Hb-Graphs: Highlighting Complex Relationships

Authors: Xavier OuvrardJean-Marie Le GoffStephane Marchand-Maillet

AbstractMost networks tend to show complex and multiple relationships between entities. Networks are usually modeled by graphs or hypergraphs; nonetheless a given entity can occur many times in a relationship: this brings the need to deal with multisets instead of sets or simple edges. Diffusion processes are useful to highlight interesting parts of a network: they usually start with a stroke at one vertex and diffuse throughout the network to reach a uniform distribution. Several iterations of the process are required prior to reaching a stable solution. We propose an alternative solution to highlighting main components of a network using a diffusion process based on exchanges; it is an iterative two-phase step exchange process. This process allows to evaluate the importance not only at the vertices level but also at the regrouping level. To model the diffusion process, we extend the concept of hypergraphs that are family of sets to family of multisets, that we call hb-graphs.

Submitted 1 September, 2018; originally announced September 2018.

Comments: Accepted version of article submitted at CBMI 2018 IEEE