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Here are a bunch of posters presented in different places:

07.2019: SIAM-ICIAM, Valencia (Spain): The HyperBagGraph DataEdron: An Enriched Experience of Scientific Publications (modified version)

05.2019: Critical and Collective Effects in Graphs and Networks, School of Physics, Les Houches (France): Hb-graphs and their applications & The HyperBagGraph DataEdron: An Enriched Experience of Scientific Publications

01.2019: Application Machine Learning Days, Lausanne (Switzerland): The HyperBagGraph DataEdron:  An Enriched Experience of Scientific Publications

09.2018: IMA 2nd TCDM Conference, Derby (UK): Hypergraph Modeling and Visualisation of Complex Co-occurences Networks

04.2018: CERN Doctoral Student Poster Session, Meyrin (Switzerland): Hypergraph Modeling and Visualisation of Complex Collaboration Networks

01.2018: CUSO Winter School, Champery (Switzerland): Improve Visual and Human Understanding of Big Data using Graph/Hypergraph-based visualisations

01.2017: CUSO Winter School, Champery (Switzerland): Improve Visual and Human Understanding of Big Data using Graph/Hypergraph-based visualisations